Monthly Meditation

Monthly Meditation events are cancelled until further notice.

Monthly Meditation imageDate: The 2nd Sunday of each month
Time: 2:00—3:30 p.m.
Place: Künzang Gatsal Shrineroom
Who: All are invited including newcomers
Led by: Lopön Helen Berliner

Lopön Helen Berliner
Lopön Helen Berliner

All those interested in knowing more about Lotus Garden and meditation are invited to join us for a dedicated one-hour period of sitting and walking meditation. The monthly event is held on the 2nd Sunday of each month from 2-3:30pm. Meditation instruction will be provided for newcomers. From 3-3:30pm, we will conclude with tea and a brief period of questions and discussion of meditation in contemporary life.

Feel free to arrive a little early or stay later and take a walk on the land or relax in the Buddha Park, weather permitting.

If you would like to join us, please contact the office or RSVP to the monthly email reminder, to allow for proper hospitality.


For more information, please contact us by email at, or by telephone at 1.540.778-2405.

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