Lotus Garden News
Vajra Assembly 2024 Czech Republic
On the full-moon day of Saga Dawa, the 23rd of May, 2024, more than 200 practitioners from Europe gathered for the second consecutive year in Czech Republic to receive teachings and transmissions from Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche.
Announcing Official Establishment of Mindrolling Dharma Centers and Study Groups
We are delighted to announce the official establishment of the following Mindrolling Dharma Centers and Study Groups under the spiritual guidance of Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche to support the Dharma studies and practices of the worldwide Mindrolling Sangha.
Announcing H.E. Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche: Seven Treasuries Reading Transmissions Beginning August 2024
Minling Lotus Garden joyfully announces that His Eminence Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche will bestow the reading transmission and brief commentary of the Dzöd Dün (the Seven Treasuries of the Omniscient One, Longchen Rabjampa) at Minling Lotus Garden from August 15th to 21st, 2024.