Construction (US)

Construction of the new temple began in October 2015. Following is a photo and video diary of the past five years. Scroll to the bottom for videos.

Photo Gallery

Click on any image to begin slide show. Photos are added in date ascending order. The most recent photos are at the end.


Looking Ahead…

The building and completion of the magnificent Mindrol Gatsal will be a multi-year project. We welcome your generous offerings so that work may continue without interruption. All donations are tax-deductible.

Mindrolling Charitable Society (MCS) is registered as a private non-profit organization in the United States. It is managed by Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, Jetsün Dechen Paldrön and a Board of Directors. All donations go to the support of Mindrolling Charitable Projects/Mindrolling International and are tax-deductible.
©2020 Mindrolling International