Visiting Lotus Garden

The Buddha Park

The Buddha Park is normally open to the public between 10:00 a.m. and sunset each day and you are welcome to visit without an appointment. We ask that you please leave your car in the lower parking lot on the right as you enter the land, then walk up to the statue. Please do not drive on the Lotus Garden roads. Vehicular traffic is restricted.

Safety Note: During the winter months, some areas of the park are not consistently maintained. The ice and snow can be hazardous.

Paying Respect at the Shrines

Those wishing to visit Lotus Garden or pay their respects in the shrine room, should kindly telephone in advance to make sure a visit is possible at the time you’d like to come. You may make arrangements by telephoning the Lotus Garden office at 1-540-778-2405 or sending an email to

Visits By Appointment

Lotus Garden is a Tibetan Buddhist retreat center, which offers two annual international programs; on-going opportunities for the study and practice of Buddhism; and facilities for solitary retreats, open to all Buddhist and non-Buddhist practitioners of contemplative disciplines.

Interested individuals, special interest and student groups are welcome to visit Lotus Garden by appointment. These visits are usually scheduled to last one and a half hours and include a history and overview of Lotus Garden activities, a period of meditation (with instruction), and relevant discussion.

When: By appointment
Where: Künzang Gatsal shrine room or dining pavilion (TBD)

To Schedule: Please telephone the Lotus Garden registration office at 540-778-2405 or send an email to

Thank you.