Mindrolling Monks

Mindrolling Monks
Acharya Namdrol Gyatso (right) and Venerable Thrinley Gyaltsen (left) will be leading the Mindrol Lekshe Summer Program

Since it’s inception, the monks of Mindrolling Monastery have traveled from India to the US and played a key role in the life and development of Mindrolling Lotus Garden. They have led ritual practices on the land, trained students in instrument playing and torma making, provided guidance on the development of the land, expansion of buildings, and were instrumental in the erecting and consecration of the Buddha statue. The monks return annually to conduct rigorous training of students in Tibetan language, torma-making, and ritual practice.

Monks leading prayers
Ven. Acharya Namdrol Gyatso and Ven. Thrinley Gyaltsen leading sangha members in evening prayers