Dear Noble Sangha,

As we begin the New Year and the start of 2023, Jetsunla and I send you all our prayers and best wishes for the year ahead. May the New Year bring you all good health, harmony, deepened study and practice of the precious Dharma, and the blessings and protection of the Three Jewels and the Three Roots.
While the sangha celebrates this New Year, we cannot but be aware of the many who are living through challenging times and difficulties. Whether enduring the immense sufferings of war, disease, or environmental instability, it is important to reflect upon the countless beings around the world who are affected by these challenging situations. May we use this occasion of the dawning of the New Year to turn our minds towards those around the world who are suffering and braving through many adversities and struggles.
Keeping all this in mind, I encourage all sangha members to take this first day of the New Year to turn your mind towards the Dharma by taking the Bodhisattva vow, generating the four immeasurables, and supplicating to Guru Rinpoche and Arya Tara while reciting Sampa Lhundrub, Barche Lamsel and Tara prayers and mantra. Through the fervent aspirations and prayers to Guru Rinpoche and Arya Tara, may all obstacles to the health and well-being of sentient beings be dispelled and may we all be imbued with the qualities necessary to truly benefit others.
May the words of the great Shantideva resound and may we all follow this profound aspiration:
“Just like the earth and space itself
And all the other mighty elements,
For boundless multitudes of beings
May I always be the ground of life,
the source of varied sustenance.
Thus, for everything that lives,
As far as are the limits of the sky,
May I constantly be their source of livelihood
Until they pass beyond sorrow.”
May this New Year bring deepened commitment to further strengthen bodhicitta and exert effort in the two profound accumulations of merit and virtue.
On behalf of Minling Dungse Rinpoche, Minling Jetsün Rinpoche, Jetsunla, Mayumla, the monks and nuns of Mindrolling and Samten Tse and all sangha residents of Minling Pema Gatsal, I send each one of you many good wishes and prayers.
May this New Year bring you all strengthened practice of the precious Dharma, courage to withstand the forces adverse to one’s true Buddha nature, wisdom to see the truth clearly, a gentle heart of compassion, and the support of merit and skillful means.
May all enjoy good health, abundant happiness, and contentment.
A joyous happy new year to all,