Illustrated Map of Lotus Garden

Illustrated map of Lotus Garden (Katie Calkins, 2018)
Illustrated map of Lotus Garden (Katie Calkins,2018)

Note: The the new temple is currently under construction and not open for visitors. The retreat area of the land, Dechen Gatsal, is not shown on this map since it is closed to the public.

What’s in a Name?

The following buildings were named by Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche.

Rigzin Gatsal Guest House—Joyous Garden of the Vidyadharas (aka Pool House)

Lhawang Gatsal—Joyous Garden of Deity Empowerment (Main Shrine Room)

Shedrub Gatsal Retreat House —Joyous Garden of Teachings & Practice

Mindrol Gatsal—Garden of Ripening and Liberation (Future Temple)

Künzang Gatsal—Joyous Garden of Samantabhadra (aka G Shrine Room)

Dechen Gatsal—Joyous Garden of Great Bliss (Retreat Area of the Land)

Dekyi Gatsal Guest House—Joyous Garden of Well-being

Tashi Chöd Zong—Auspicious Fortress of Dharma (Retreat House in Dechen Gatsal)