Mindrolling History Project

The lineage of Mindrolling is vast and important, historically—connected to many aspects of Tibetan Buddhism and its various lineages. In recording its history, one would also have to record the history of many other familial and practice lineages and other great clans of Tibet. The project of compiling such a detailed history of Mindrolling would require much time and research and result in a very long work. Therefore, at this time, we will begin by providing concise information on the history and biographies of the main family members of Mindrolling who were pivotal in preserving and propagating the precious Dharma in general and the Mindrolling lineage in particular.

—Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche and Mindrolling Jetsün Dechen Paldrön

Description of Contents

List of Contents

  • INTRODUCTION A short introduction to the Mindrolling family.
  • PART I Origins of the Mindrolling Lineage, Nyö Jachung Karpo, The Nyö Lineage, The Mindrolling Lineage
  • PART II Biographical accounts of Sangdag Thrinley Lhundrub, Yum Lhadzin Yanghcen Dolma, Chögyal Terdag Lingpa
  • PART III Biographical accounts of Gyalse Tenpa’i Nyima and Lochen Dharmashri
  • PART IV The Dzungar Mongol Invasion, Biographical account of Pema Gyurme Gyatso
  • PART V Jetsün Migyur Paldrön (Part 1) – Birth and Early Life
  • PART VI Jetsün Migyur Paldrön (Part 2) – The Dzungar Mongol Invasion and Exile from Tibet
  • PART VII Jetsün Migyur Paldrön – (Part 3) – The Return to Mindrolling
  • PART VIII Drinchen Rinchen Namgyal — the 3rd Mindrolling Trichen
  • PART IX Zhabdrung Gyurme Yidzhin Legdrub
  • PART X Gyurme Pema Tenzin — the 4th Mindrolling Trichen
  • PART XI Ögyen Tenzin Dorje — the 3rd Mindrolling Khenchen
  • PART XII Trichen Gyurme Trinley Namgyal — The 5th Mindrolling Trichen
  • PART XIII Sang Ngag Tenzin — the 4th Mindrolling Khenchen
  • PART XIV Trichen Gyurme Pema Wangyal — the 6th Mindrolling Trichen
  • PART XV Jetsün Trinley Chödrön
  • PART XVI Gyurme Ogyen Chöphel — The 5th Mindrolling Khenchen
  • PART XVII Gyurme Sangye Kunga — The 7th Mindrolling Trichen
  • PART XVIII Minling Rigzin Zangpo — The 6th Mindrolling Khenchen
  • PART XIX Gyurme Yidzhin Wangyal — The 8th Mindrolling Trichen

Additional installments will be added as they become available.

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Gene Smith on the Mindrolling Lineage»
Eminent Tibet scholar, Gene Smith discusses the Mindrolling lineage and the phenomena of Terma.

Photo: Lineage Shrine Room in the Great Peace Stupa at Mindrolling Monastery ©2015-19 Mindrolling International